What is a Dashboard?

A dashboard is a personalised solution for information workers that consolidates personal, team, corporate, and external information, and provides single click access to analytical and collaborative tools. It brings an integrated view of a company’s data resources to an individual’s desktop, providing immediate access to key business information.

This functionality could be used to show the ICT Services Desk’s serviceability times, number of open calls, average time to solve or fix problems, and to overall show how well they are performing as a team etc.

A dashboard is the key delivery vehicle for the Business Intelligence (BI) functionality of Office SharePoint Server 2007. It is an easy to use Web Part page that enables information workers to make use of one another’s knowledge and to more easily access and share information, worksheets, documents, and data.

A dashboard can draw information from multiple data sources and formats, combining complex information into one simple interface. A critical component of delivering the right information in the right format is the consolidation of personal, team, corporate, and external information into a single click viewing portal.

A dashboard also provides the ability for information workers to share and access important information that they need to make intelligent business decisions, regardless of where the workers are located.

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